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Reading Notes

Daily reading assignments

Code 102 - Intro to Software Development

Title Read number
Growth Mindset Read: 01 - Learning Markdown
Git Tutorial: A Comprehensive Guide Read: 02 - Revisions and the Cloud
HTML&CSS Read: 03 - Structure web pages with HTML
How Computers Works Read: 04b - Computer Architecture and Logic
JavaScript1 Read: 04a - Dynamic web pages with JavaScript
JavaScript2 Read: 05 - Operators and Loops
JavaScript3 Read: 06 - Programming with JavaScript
CSS Read: 07 - Design web pages with CSS
The Coder’s Computer Read: 09 - The Coder’s Computer

Code 201 - Foundations of Software Development

Title Read number
HTML and JavaScript Read: 01 - Introductory HTML and JavaScript
Basics of HTML, CSS & JS Read: 02 - HTML Text, CSS Introduction, and Basic JavaScript Instructions
HTML Lists, Control Flow with JS, and the CSS Box Model Read: 03 - HTML Lists, CSS Boxes, JS Control Flow
HTML Links, JS Functions, and Intro to CSS Layout Read: 04 - HTML Links, CSS Layout, JS Functions
Images, Color, Text Read: 05 - HTML Images; CSS Color & Text
Problem Domain, Objects, and the DOM Read: 06 - JS Object Literals; The DOM
Object-Oriented Programming, HTML Tables Read: 07 - HTML Tables; JS Constructor Functions
CSS Layout Read: 08 - More CSS Layout
Forms and JS Events Read: 09 - Forms and Events
Debugging Read: 10 - JS Debugging
Audio, Video, Images Read: 11 - Assorted Topics
Chart.js, Canvas Read: 12 - Docs for the HTML <canvas> Element & Chart.js
Local Storage Read: 13 - Local Storage
CSS Transforms, Transitions, and Animations Read: 14a - CSS Transforms, Transitions, and Animations
What Google Learned About Teams Read: 14b - What Google Learned About Teams

Code 301 - Intermediate Software Development

Title Read number
Introduction to React and Components Read: Class 01 - Introduction to React and Components
State and Props Read: Class 02 - State and Props
Passing Functions as Props Read: Class 03 - Passing Functions as Props
React and Forms Read: Class 04 - React and Forms
Putting it all together Read: Class 05 - Putting it all together
NODE.JS Read: Class 06 - NODE.JS
REST Read: Class 07 - REST
APIs Read: Class 08 - APIs
In memory storage Read: Class 10 - In memory storage
Authentication Read: Class 11 - Authentication
Mongo and Mongoose Read: Class 12 - Mongo and Mongoose
CRUD Read: Class 13 - CRUD

Code 401 - Advanced Software Development

Title Read number
Get Ready for 401 Readings … - Get Ready for 401
Node Ecosystem, TDD, CI/CD Read: Class 01 - Node Ecosystem, TDD, CI/CD
Express Read: Class 02 - Express
Express REST API Read: Class 03 - Express REST API
Data Modeling Read: Class 04 - Data Modeling
Linked Lists Read: Class 05 - Linked Lists
Authentication Read: Class 06 - Authentication
Bearer Authorization Read: Class 07 - Bearer Authorization
Access Control (ACL) Read: Class 08 - Access Control (ACL)
Authorization/Authentication Read: Class 09 - Authorization/Authentication
Stacks and Queues Read: Class 10 - Stacks and Queues
Event Driven Applications Read: Class 11 - Event Driven Applications Read: Class 12 - Socket .io
Message Queues Read: Class 13 - Message Queues
Event Driven Architecture Read: Class 14 - Event Driven Architecture
Trees Read: Class 15 - Trees
AWS: Cloud Servers Read: Class 16 - AWS: Cloud Servers
AWS: S3 and Lambda Read: Class 17 - AWS: S3 and Lambda
AWS: API, Dynamo and Lambda Read: Class 18 - AWS: API, Dynamo and Lambda
AWS: Events Read: Class 19 - AWS: Events
Component Based UI Read: Class 26 - Component Based UI
Hook Read: Class 27 - Hook
Component Lifecycle / useEffect() Hook Read: Class 28 - Component Lifecycle / useEffect() Hook
Advanced State with Reducers Read: Class 29 - Advanced State with Reducers
Hash Tables Read: Class 30 - Hash Tables
Context API Read: Class 31 - Context API
Context API - Behaviors Read: Class 32 - Context API - Behaviors
<Login /> and <Auth /> Read: Class 33 - <Login /> and <Auth />
API Integration Read: Class 34 - API Integration
Graphs Read: Class 35 - Graphs
Application State with Redux Read: Class 36 - Application State with Redux
Redux - Combined Reducers Read: Class 37 - Redux - Combined Reducers
Redux - Asynchronous Actions Read: Class 38 - Redux - Asynchronous Actions
Redux - Additional Topics Read: Class 39 - Redux - Additional Topics